Blythe Speedway


Blythe Speedway reserves the right to alter or amend the rules and regulations in the interest of safety, cost control, and/or fair competition. It is the responsibility of each competitor to read and understand the contents of these rules. If there is a disagreement or dispute regarding the meaning or application of these rules, the decision of Blythe Speedway Race Director will prevail. Any interruption or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the Race Director and the decision is final.




Head and neck restraining devices are mandatory (neck collars/donuts are acceptable for lower-level classes). Full face helmets are required. No motorcycle helmets allowed. Approved racing helmet with 2010 or newer Snell Certification sticker is mandatory. “M” type not allowed. SA 2015 or newer recommended.


The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct during Blythe Speedway racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements and behavior for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events and by competing or participating in these events all competitors and participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. It is ultimately the obligation of each competitor or participant to ensure that their conduct and equipment comply with all applicable Blythe Speedway rules, as they may be amended from time to time. The rules are designed to reduce the risk of injury to competitors, participants, and spectators during such events. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result in the publication of, or compliance with these rules and /or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators, or others. Importantly, any member involved in an accident or injured while on racing premises must report to the Official in charge before leaving the premises.


a. All competitors, participants, and Officials must be registered by Blythe Speedway before taking part in any Blythe Speedway event. An eligible driver is a Blythe Speedway member holding a driver’s license for the division in which he/she is competing in and is in good standing with Blythe Speedway. Blythe Speedway licenses must be carried at all times and be presented on demand to any Official or Blythe Speedway Management person, there are provisions for non-members to compete in all Blythe Speedway divisions, but they will not be allowed any series, or division, or season ending, or other bonus money, or awards beyond the events of the night.

b. Blythe Speedway Management reserves the right to approve or reject any and all applications.

c. Only Blythe Speedway members in good standing will be allowed a membership pit permit at discount rates.

d. Any Blythe Speedway member who allows any other person to use, or attempt to use his/her license in any manner will be subject to penalties.

e. No person under the age of fourteen (14) years will be permitted to compete/participate.

f. If you are 14-17 years of age, you must have consent from your parent or guardian to be allowed a pit permit or Blythe Speedway license. You must show proof of age and the document provided as proof of age must be notarized. The approved release form in on the Blythe Speedway membership form, which must be completed and signed appropriately by all parties.

g. If proof of driving ability is deemed necessary, tests may be conducted by, and at the discretion of Officials, and their decisions shall be binding on the applicant.

h. Car numbers are assigned by the Blythe Speedway office. Blythe Speedway reserves the right to issue all numbers to prevent duplication and to maintain proper records. Only Blythe Speedway members may reserve a car number.

i. When a number other that that officially assigned is used or the number is not legible, Blythe Speedway assumes no responsibility in the event of error in scoring, point tabulation, or purse payment. Blythe Speedway reserves the right to change any car number to avoid duplication. (No duplications will be allowed).

j. To keep your previous number, you must race at least five races of the previous season.

k. All cars assigned a number by Blythe Speedway are considered to be a registered Blythe Speedway car.

l. CAR NUMBERS: All numbers must be a minimum of 4 inches wide and 18 inches tall in contrasting color of the car. Number on top of car must be readable from the grandstand side/right side of car. If notified, you will have one week to fix your number, this will be a written notification and/or verbal. If no attempt to fix number has been made you cannot compete until the number is corrected and approved by Scoring. This will remain in effect until the number is fixed and legible. The Scorer is available to offer suggestions to make your number legible. Scoring may rule that a driver can be penalized by scoring instead of receiving a fine or suspension. For example, a driver may be penalized a position, or a lap for an action on the track instead of receiving a fine. This will be at the Race Director’s discretion. Scoring has the final decision.

m. All registered cars must be kept neatly painted and clean.

n. Absolutely no obscenity or anything deemed detrimental to the sport of racing is to be displayed on a racecar or any area of visibility.

o. All Blythe Speedway members must be responsible for their actions whether in the pit area or a spectator in the grandstands. Blythe Speedway reserves the right to take action by fines or suspension of Blythe Speedway license.



r. No toe-less shoes, or sandals are allowed in the pit areas.

s. No animals are allowed in the pit area.

t. The maximum speed limit in the pit area is 5 MPH at all times.

u. No alcoholic beverages allowed in the pit area before or during any race. No consumption of alcoholic beverages in the grandstand area by a team member or driver.


a. Blythe Speedway considers it a PRIVILEGE, not a right, for any competitor or participant to compete or participate in any Blythe Speedway event.

b. The gravity of the violation and its effects on the safety and good reputation of racing and sponsors determines the penalties for violations of Blythe Speedway rules. Such penalties may include, but are not, limited to disqualification, or an indefinite suspension of competitor or participants, or loss of membership, or license privileges, fines, and/or loss of points.

c. Blythe Speedway reserves the right to refuse admittance to anyone and to remove anyone from the premises who is deemed to be detrimental to the sport of racing.

d. No one will be allowed in the pit area until they have secured a pit permit and signed the Waiver and Release sheet for that particular meet. Pit permits are not transferable and are not to be signed by anyone except the person to whom the permit is issued. A pit permit is for entrance to the pits only. Permission must be granted by an Official or Management before entering any other restricted area. Violations are punishable by an immediate ejection, suspension, and/or fine and/or disqualification of driver and car associated with violator.

e. Blythe Speedway competitors must show their valid Blythe Speedway license when signing for pit permits. Members without their license may not be allowed to sign in.


f. By entering any Blythe Speedway event and/or taking part in any activity relating to the event, a competitor or participant agrees to abide by the decisions of those Officials relating to the event and that such decisions are final. They agree that the track and all properties within and around the track are in a safe and usable condition if they take part in the activities of the event.

g. Drivers are responsible for the conduct of everyone associated with their car at any time while on the entire premises, whether competing, participating, or as spectators.

h. It is the responsibility of the competitor or participant to know and abide by the rules and regulations (including but not limited to technical race procedure and any track rules that may be in effect), of all events prior to competing or participating in any such events.

i. No competitor or participant shall take part or participate in any strike, boycott or any other action or activity considered detrimental to the sport of racing (including, but not limited to, any petition or meeting of two or more persons with the intent to undermine Blythe Speedway, its sanctioning body, any of its constituents, personnel, properties, or possessions). Blythe Speedway reserves the right to subject violators to, but is not limited to, immediate and indefinite suspension form all Blythe Speedway events.

j. Blythe Speedway reserves the right to test any and all competitors at any time for safety, skill, and ability to control a race car in competition at any event.

k. Any competitor or participant who, while competing or participation in any event, partakes of any alcoholic beverage, stimulating, depressing, or tranquilizing drugs, or is otherwise under the influence of alcohol or drugs, shall be disqualified, immediately ejected, fined a minimum of $500.00 and assessed a definite or indefinite suspension.

l. Blythe Speedway Officials’ interpretation and application of all rules contained herein as well as all amendment or supplements and revisions that may be implemented shall be final and binding.

m. It is incumbent upon each individual participant to report to the Officials the presence of any unauthorized person known to be in the pits or other restricted areas.

n. Unsportsmanlike conduct by any competitor or participant while on the entire premises will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, fighting, loud, and/or abusive/foul language/gestures, poor attitude, or displaying a lack of control of temper. Violations are punishable by, but not limited to immediate ejection, and/or suspension, and/or a minimum $500.00 fine.

o. Anyone specifically entering the area where another team is pitted and should a disturbance of any kind occur said party while not in their respective pit area will be considered to be at fault for causing the disturbance, (you will be subject to a fine, and or suspension and ejection from Blythe Speedway).

p. Any competitor, participant, or member who assaults or threatens in any manner any Official, Speedway Staff member, or persons serving under his or her direction of Blythe Speedway, competitor, participant, fan, or anyone, is subject to, but is not limited to, immediate ejection, and indefinite suspension, and fined up to $500.00. Blythe Speedway Officials/staff may eject a member or non-member from an event or from the racing premises in a situation in order to promote the orderly conduct of the event; an ejection is final, non-protest able, non-reviewable.

q. It should be noted that all tow trucks and push trucks, and safety crews are at the track to assist you, usually on a voluntary basis, therefore it is a requirement that you show them the courtesy they deserve. The Blythe Speedway will not tolerate any abuse of these people.

r. One pit person is recommended to remain with each car in the pit area at all times to avoid possible theft and damage. Blythe Speedway or Blythe Speedway personnel are not responsible for any theft or damage incurred while on the premises.

s. Entries in certain events may be on an invitational or provisional basis at the discretion of Track Management.

t. If any competitor dominates a class by winning too many events, and by running away from competition, a meeting of the Officials and Management may be held to determine if a restriction of performance will be placed on the race car or the driver, (if this is a lower division you may not be allowed to race in that division during the next racing season).

u. Officials reserve the right to subject any driver to physical examination before being allowed to compete. Any driver requiring treatment of examination at any hospital emergency room or by and doctor must have a release from the examining doctor before further competition will be allowed. This is subject to approval of the Race Director or Chief Steward.

v. Track opening will be posted at the pit board. It is the driver’s responsibility to know the racing schedule as well as to what events they are competing in, and when to be at the staging area, or scales, for such event.

w. Competitors to be eligible for any Blythe Speedway awards or point fund awards you must have competed in 80% of the scheduled events.

x. Non members are allowed in the Blythe pit area, and will be subject to the same rules and procedures.


a. All hot laps will be run within the class of cars and divided into segments according to car count. Track, weather conditions, car count, and time will determine the number of laps. Only one hot lap segment per car and/or driver will be allowed.

b. Qualifying procedures may be accomplished through time trials, qualifying heat races, drawn numbers, or point standing at the discretion of the Race Director. The method will be brought to the attention of all competitors before the race program begins, with the exception of adverse conditions.

c. No driver may qualify more that on car per class in time trials or qualifying heats.

d. No car may be used by more than one driver in time trials or qualifying heats.

e. Time trials (if used), will be lined up according to a drawn number, number one (1) being the first car to qualify, etc. Time trials will be two (2) consecutive laps. Time restraints may only allow for one (1) lap on the clock or not qualifying through time trials at all.

f. During time trials, if for any reason a car is out of order in the staging area by more than three (3) positions or needs a push start for a mechanical reason the driver and car will be allowed only (1) lap for qualifying.

g. Any car that misses qualifying after its division has completed qualifying has a five (5) minute window. If competitor makes it in that five-minute window, he receives one (1) lap only for qualifying. The car and driver will start at the back of all events.

h. Starting positions for all events will be determined by the qualifying procedures. Line-ups may be straight up, total inversion, or partial inversion, at the discretion of the Race Director.


a. It is the driver’s responsibility to know their starting position.

b. All drivers must be in their cars, ready to race, and in their proper line-up in the staging area before going to the starting grid. Any car not in the proper line up when cars enter the track for their event must start in the rear, NO EXCEPTIONS. No race will be held up because a driver or car is not ready or a driver is competing in more than one Divisions/race.

c. A scratched driver must notify the Chief Steward/Race Director immediately that the car is scratched from one or more events. Cars scratched from the line-up cannot be put back in the line-up of the events from which they were scratched. The car may only be scratched due to mechanical reasons.

d. If a car falls out of line before the cars line up in double file, cars will line up from single file. If a car falls out after cars have doubled up, the row will move straight up to fill the fallen cars’ position. Cars lining up on the grid, if a car is unable to make the grid, the car following that car will move into the fallen cars’ position.

e. Starting procedures: All races begin at the commencement of pace laps, but scoring and official distance begins when the starting flag is displayed, all cars must be on the race track ready to participate when the pace lap starts.

f. To receive points and/or prize money, a car and driver must start the pace lap(s) or enter the race prior to completion of first green flag lap.

g. At the beginning of the race, when the original or complete restart green flag is displayed by the starter, cars must maintain positions as designated by Officials and not pull out of line or pass until they have crossed the starting line.

h. All cars entering the track from the outside pits must stop at the entrance and wait for the Official at the gate to wave them through. All cars re-entering the track from the infield must do so only in turn 2 only.

i. All original starts will be double file.

j. Any car stalling and needing assistance to start before the initial green flag must start at rear of the field.

k. Complete restarts of any race may be given if the Race Director does not favor the first original green or an accident severe enough that warrants a restart. All cars will restart in the starting positions of the original green flag providing they did not pit, need a push start, or received a position penalty or involved in an accident. Only one complete restart per race will be given.

l. Driver change may take place after the cars have lined up on the starting grid. In the event a driver needs a relief driver, cars must complete one lap of green flag racing and go to the pit area to complete a driver change. All driver changes must be approved and be reported to the Chief Tech Official of that division, or the Chief Steward. Points and prize money will be awarded to the starting driver. Any driver or car competing in an event deemed ineligible shall forfeit all prize money, awarded points, and is subject to Penalty.


a. Double file, once the Starter shows the ‘one to go’ signal, cars need to position nose-to tail and side by side.

b. The front row must maintain a steady speed until they accelerate at the drop of the green flag.

c. The front row must maintain a consistent line as they approach the start.

d. Front row starts the race at the drop of the green flag, the outside front row starter must not jump the pole position starter.

e. No passing allowed until start/finish line – you may not pull out of line, if the entire row moves up that is ok.


a. Start and Restarts: All Starts will be double file. All restarts are double file with the leader accelerating first in the start box. The leader starts the race by accelerating in the start box, the flagman will throw the green flag as the leader takes off in the start box as long as neither driver on the front row has jumped the start. The Start Zone box is painted with yellow lines in Turn 4.

b. Once the lights are out on the “one to go lap” the leader must maintain pace truck speed to the Start Zone with no brake checking or variations in speed and the leader may not accelerate until they are in the start box (meaning all four tires of the car are inside the box and not just the nose). No Passing/Pulling out of line is allowed once the green flag is thrown prior to reaching the Start/Finish line.

c. The leader will have a full fender length lead from the time the one to go lights go out at the start/finish line until the leader accelerates in the start box in turn four. If the second-place car is not a full fender behind the leader the entire lap from the start/finish line to the start box when the leader accelerates it will be considered a jumped start by the second-place driver. If the second-place driver accelerates prior to the leader accelerating in the start box it will be considered a jumped start by the second-place driver. If the leader accelerates prior to getting into the start box it will be considered a jumped start by the leader. If the leader slows down, speeds up or brake checks the field prior to the start box it will be considered a jumped start by the leader.

d. THE PENALTY FOR A JUMPED START WILL BE; The guilty driver will be moved back one position, note a driver can move back one spot on the first offense if the jumped start is cut and dry (or the race director may issue a single warning per car, per race). Example of how cars will be moved, if the leader jumps the start by slowing down the pace or going prior to the start box no green flag will come out and the leader will become the second-place car and the second-place car will now become the leader/control car. The new leader will now have the choice of the top or bottom of the track for the restart. If the second-place car jumps the start, no green flag will come out and the second-place car will switch places with the third-place car for the restart. Note, if the second place car is not a full fender behind the leader for the entire ”one to go” lap then the yellow light will come back as the cars enter turn three and the second place car will be moved to third place with the third place car moving into second place.


a. When the yellow flag or light is displayed the field will be “frozen”, hold your position and proceed with caution back to the start finish line. DO NOT RACE TO THE START/FINISH LINE. DO NOT PASS. If you are caught passing under the caution the penalty is a driver is moved to the rear of the field. (If you made a pass under caution by mistake you will be given the opportunity to correct your mistake under the yellow by going back to the position you were in when the caution came out, this must be done on your own without direction of an official, the only direction an official will give you for passing under the caution is to go to the rear of the field).

b. Your restart position will be the running position in which you cross the start/finish line under caution (except for cars that have made a pass under caution as they will start at the rear of the field).

c. Any discrepancies in line up will be determined by Race Control and may revert to last completed green lap (just for the cars in question), all calls made by race control are final on this matter. If a driver is side by side with another race car when the caution comes out stay side by side under the caution if the track is clear to do so, race control will instruct the cars to the proper spot based on the last green flag lap or scoring loops crossed.

d. The initial yellow lap will count, after this lap the yellow laps do not count.

e. Should a car not maintain caution speed, stop or enter the pits during a yellow, it will lose its race position and will restart at the rear of the field.

f. If a driver picks up positions after the yellow flag is displayed, he/she will be penalized, penalty is being moved to the rear of the field.

g. If you are involved in the incident that brings out the yellow, you will be positioned at the rear of the field. You will not lose a lap, just placed at the rear of the field.

h. Officials reserve the right to utilize the yellow to check cars which are suspect and are being considered for a black flag (leaks, smoke, sparks, etc.). After they are checked, if okay, they keep their position.

i. The race will finish under green; Except in the case that the leader has taken the White Flag and the yellow is displayed during the White Flag, the field is frozen, do not pass and proceed safely back to the start finish line and the finishing order is final, cars will be scored in the position they held when the yellow was displayed (except for those involved). If that relative position could not be determined, they would be scored in the order those cars in question crossed the finish line on their last completed green flag lap, those involved in the caution or those cars that cannot proceed at that point will be positioned accordingly.


k. In the case the yellow flag/caution flag is displayed the lap prior to the white flag lap, the race will end under a green, white, checkered. See procedure #9 for race endingonce the white flag is out and then a caution flag is thrown.

l. Cautions: The yellow flag will be displayed at the Starter’s discretion. The yellow flag signifies caution on the race track. Stalling or spinning will not necessarily cause the yellow flag to be displayed.

Note: If you are involved in an accident that causes the caution to come out, you will not lose a lap (or another lap if you are already down), but you will restart at the rear of the field. There is a three-caution rule, if you are charged with causing or being involved in three cautions you will be parked for the race.


a. Cars may be worked on off the track in the designated pit area. You must re-enter at rear of the field.

b. Cars may not proceed to designated work area until authorized by Race Control to do so under red condition.

c. Positions will revert back to the previous green or yellow flag lap to set line up. Those deemed part of the occurrence that brought out an immediate red flag or those who pit will restart at the rear of the field.


a. Single file restarts for last five (5) laps, with lapped cars moved to rear of field positioned in running order.


a. A yellow/checkered finish may be used once the white flag is out and a yellow flag is displayed, in either case, a yellow, or a yellow/checkered condition, the race is over at the point the caution flag is displayed. See procedure i. under Yellow Flag (Rule 7).

b. A yellow/checkered finish may be used if a class has exceeded a reasonable amount of time in which to complete a race. Once the yellow/checkered is displayed, the field is frozen, do not pass and proceed safely back to the start finish line and the finishing order is final, cars will be scored in the position they held when the yellow/checkered was displayed (except for those involved). If that relative position could not be determined, they would be scored in the order those cars in question crossed the finish line on their last completed lap, those involved in the caution or those cars that cannot proceed at that point will be positioned accordingly.


a. Any contact between competitors will be determined by Race Control if any penalty will be imposed.

b. Any competitor having contact with race leader, resulting in the leader spinning and or being eliminated from competition will be put to the back of the field. Race Control has the right to call over the radio to rescind this policy if the leader is considered only by Race Control to be blocking, in which case the above Rule #1 under Contact will be in force.


a. Rough or reckless driving is not allowed. The Race Director shall levee penalties or fines for drivers in violation. The second offense will require stricter penalties than first offenses. Third offenses will warrant a suspension of competition privileges. All rough or reckless driving violations may warrant loss of participation privileges.

b. Intentional rough or reckless driving will be cause for an indefinite suspension and heavy fines.


a. When the Blue Flag with Yellow Diagonal Stripe is displayed to a driver, this is to inform
the driver that a faster car is approaching.

b. The driver whom received the flag should move off the ‘driving line’ of the race track to
allow for the faster traffic to pass.

c. If the driver does not obey this flag in a prompt and timely manner, they may receive a
Black Flag (Rule 14).


a. If the black flag is displayed, the driver must pull off the track and if the driver does not obey it, after the third lap the driver and car will be removed from the scoring sheet.

b. Scoring will stop when the first black flag is displayed. If the yellow flag is displayed for the car to get off the track, you will be liable for a fine/and loss of points.


a. Debris on track: Any driver involved in moving anything onto the track or any driver deemed the cause of losing anything off of their car, or another car, and causing a caution, will restart in the rear of the field.

b. Drivers stopping on the track to intentionally cause a yellow will be penalized one lap. Any car pulling out of line unless directed to do so by an Official will be sent to the rear of the field.

c. Passing flag will be displayed to cars being overtaken by the leaders. Drivers are responsible io hold their line without upsetting the leader’s progress. (Use hand signals)

d. Cars not maintaining racing speed and interfering with competition will not be allowed to continue.

e. Mechanical: All cars entered in an event must begin with complete bodies. No car will be allowed to qualify or compete in any events without a hood or driver’s door. If a car has an inner sheet metal panel mounted to driver’s side of roll cage that protects the driver, the car may be allowed to compete if the driver’s door is torn off and the inner panel remains intact.

f. If the hood flies up, the driver must leave the track immediately, or they will be subject to a fine and/or penalty.

g. If a tire goes flat, it is suggested the driver leave the track immediately, when safe to do so.

h. Mechanical distressed or unsafe race cars will not be allowed to enter or continue in their events.

i. All race cars must start (have a standard operational starter) under their own power and be able to move forward or backward without assistance. Any car needing assistance in starting must start in rear of the field, except after a red flag where assisted starts are allowed and the car may restart in its proper position. Cars excluded are cars in those classes that do not require a starter, have a direct (in/out) transmission and are pushed to start the engine.

j. All work performed on any car must be done in the pit area. (NOT ON THE RACE TRACK).

k. Drivers cannot cut off the racing surface onto the infield grass to gain positions. A blocked track may be taken into consideration. No racing in the infield. Any positions gained will be taken away times two (2).

l. No racing before green flag. Any positions gained will be taken away times two (2).

m. The driver is the sole spokesperson for the car and crew, and must talk to Officials when approached. When a driver is in consultation with an Official, no other person may approach or interfere in any way.


a. All cars must have a WORKING transponder on the car any time the car is on the track. Any car without a WORKING transponder will be black flagged and not allowed back on the track until a transponder is in place. NO TRANSPONDER, NO SCORING. Timing per event is one minute per lap. Timing will start when the green flag waves to start the race. Timing will stop when the checkered flag is waved to complete the race or a red flag. In the event of a red flag, timing will restart when the green flag is waved to restart the race. Any race may be shortened due to allotted time for that event has expired, even if the event has not reached half way. Example: A 30 lap race has 30 minutes to complete.


a. Only a driver may protest a finish. The Head Scorer will talk only to the driver or a car owner about a protested finish. The Head Scorer will only answer questions involving your car and driver. The Head Scorer is available when the race results/finish has been posted. The Head Scorer may or may not be the posting official. If there are any questions or protests you have twenty (20) minutes from the time the finishes/results are posted to notify scoring or an official to contact scoring. Time of the final posting is written on the posting sheet. If scoring has been notified of a possible protest within the twenty (20) minute time limit, the finish is unofficial, until a complete recap is performed. Only the Head Scorer can make changes to the posted finishes. The Head Scorer will not make any changes to posted finishes until the Chief Steward/Race Director has been notified of the changes. The results from the scoring recap will be final. If a car has been penalized it will be noted on the final sheet. This will be noted with a WP (with penalties) next to the car number and the event they were penalized. In case of DQ (disqualification) next to the car number in the event they were DQ, it may be noted at bottom of sheet with the car number and event they were DQ’d. A finish is not final until it has been posted for twenty (20) minutes and has not been protested. Then the scorers will release for payoff. The Head Scorer will be available to discuss a previous week finish to help better understand scoring. The finish will remain final and cannot be changed or challenged. Any verbal abuse to Scoring or an Official helping to do payout may result in a fine and/or suspension. This Includes, but is not limited to any team member, scoring designated non competitor collecting for a driver/car owner. If any designated person collecting payout for driver or car owner is the cause of abuse, the payout of that competitor, will be held and the Chief Steward/Race Director will be notified. The Chief Steward/Race Director will make the final decision on fines and/or Suspensions.


a. All races will count towards the track championship.

b. There are ZERO throw-out races during the season.

c. Only Blythe Speedway registered drivers will receive track championship points. Non-Blythe Speedway registered drivers will be removed from the finish order and then championship points will be given out.

d. Qualifying points will be awarded as follows; 1st – 3 points, 2nd – 2 points, 3rd – 1 point, 4th – 1 point.

e. Heat race points will be awarded as follows; 1st – 3 points, 2nd- 2 points, 3rd – 1 point.

f. Trophy Dash Points will be awarded as follows; 1st – 3 points, 2nd- 2 points, 3rd – 1 point.

g. Main event points will be awarded as follows; 1st – 60 points, 2nd – 58 points, 3rd – 56

points. 2-point increments thereafter, points will be paid all the way to last place

dropping two points per position.

h. There may be double point races, see schedule.

Note: This point system will be used for all track championship classes, this does not include special events or traveling series.


a. All cars are to be no louder than 95 decibels (db) at 100’.


a. All drivers in all classes must use radio communication between driver and spotter.

All rules are subject to change at anytime if deemed necessary to ensure even competition within the division.


Friday, October 25, 2024

4:00 PM ….. Credentials Open

5:00 PM – 8:00 PM ….. Open Practice by Division

– First come, first serve
– 5-minute sessions

*Westhold Transponders used at Blythespeedway

*No overnight camping in the Pits

****Schedule Subject to Change****

Race 8

Saturday, October 26, 2024

12:00 PM Pit Gates Open

12:00 PM – 8:00 PM Credentials Open

12:45 PM – 3:30 PM Tech Inspections

1:00 AM – 3:30 PM Practice after Tech Inspections

3:00 PM Spectator Gates Open

4:00 PM Driver’s/Spotter’s Meeting (ALL DRIVERS MUST ATTEND)

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Qualifying & Heat Races – 6 Lap Heats

6:15 PM – 7:00 PM On Track Autograph Session & Trunk or Treat

7:00 PM Opening Ceremony

7:15 PM Racing Starts

Racing Starts

AVRA Midgets – 12 Laps
Bandoleros – 12 laps
Legends – 30 laps
Mini Stocks – 25 laps
Factory Stocks – 25 laps
Street Stocks –25 laps
Modifieds – 30 laps
Sportsmans – 30 Laps

10:00 PM Racing Concludes

**Westhold Transponders Used at Blythe Speedway (Rentals Are Available)**

**No Overnight Camping**

****Schedule Subject to Change****