Blythe Speedway


Blythe Speedway reserves the right to alter or amend the rules and regulations in the interest of safety, cost control, and /or fair competition. It is the responsibility of each competitor to read and understand the contents of these rules. If there is a disagreement or dispute regarding the meaning or application of these rules, the decision of Blythe Speedway Race Director will prevail. Any interruption or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the Race Director and the decision is final.



a. Any 1960 or newer American made front wheel drive or rear wheel drive sedan or station wagon. No convertibles, pick-ups or jeeps. No sports cars or performance models of any kind.

b. Minimum stock wheelbase allowed, 112”

c. All added weight must be painted white, have car # clearly marked and be securely mounted.

d. Strictly an economy based class, no performance modifications of any type will be allowed.

e. Blythe Speedway reserves the right to refuse any car not constructed within the spirit of the rules.




a. Complete bumper-to-bumper stock appearing steel body must be retained.

b. The stock OEM floor plan, firewalls, trunk lid, hood and roof, must remain intact.

c. Car must be strictly stock. No cutting, chopping, channeling or shortening allowed.

d. No holes in hood. Hood must be kept in place at all times (minimum 2 hood pins or fasteners are mandatory).

e. Body sheet metal must be kept in place at all times. Fenders may be trimmed.

f. All lights, trim and upholstery must be removed.

g. All doors must be welded, chained or bolted shut.

h. Inner panel doors may be removed to allow proper installation of roll bars.

i. Dash can be removed and replaced with sheet metal.

j. No gaps allowed at bottom of doors and at doors and firewall.


a. Stock frames only. No modifications. No alterations of any type allowed.

b. Minimum clearance of 6” is required, measured under any frame rail, with driver in car ready for competition.

c. No alterations, customizing, or reinforcing of the chassis, other that the roll cage. Page 2 of 5 07.10.22

d. Roll cage must attach securely and safely to frame or plated to floorboard on unibody.

e. Windshield bar from halo to dash bar recommended.




a. No modifying of suspension allowed.

b. Suspension parts must remain absolutely stock for that make and model of car – Absolutely no cutting for clearance.

c. Camber limited to factory available adjustments. No modifications to allow for excessive camber.

d. Stock replacement OEM, rubber mounted steel-bodied shocks only. No adjustable or take apart shocks of any kind.

e. Stock or replacement rated racing coil or leaf springs ok. Spacers allowed for ride height adjustment only. One spacer per spring. Spacers must match in height side to side. Spring rubbers ok. Stock leaf spring shackles only.




a. Stock steering linkage only. No after market parts designed to lower, widen, correct bump steer, or correct geometry.

b. Steering quickeners ok. Removable steering wheel highly recommended.



a. Engines must remain stock for make and model of car being used. Engine and chassis must match within manufacturers lines (GM to GM). Chassis year dictates legality of engine and accessories.

b. Engine blocks must be a V-8 type and be stock factory production.

c. OEM cast iron or aluminum intake manifold only. No high-rise or performance intakes.

d. All internal engine parts must remain OEM specifications as to size, shape, weight and finish.

e. Any procedure associated with a common rebuild will be allowed.

f. Engine and transmission mounts must be in stock location. Safety chain from engine to frame ok. 7.




a. All fans must have shroud.

b. Electric fans allowed.

c. Water overflow catch can unit required.

d. Water only. No anti-freeze or other coolant in radiators.




a. OEM factory exhaust manifolds.

b. No performance or racing exhaust of any kind.

c. Exhaust must extend behind driver.

d. Maximum exhaust size 2 ½“. e. Mufflers required. No open exhaust. Page 3 of 5 07.10.22 f. 95 dB at 100 feet.




a. OEM Automatic or manual transmission ok.

b. All parts to remain stock for make and model. Including clutch and torque converter.




a. Stock OEM four-wheel brakes required in good working order.

b. All brakes must function.

c. No inline adjusters allowed.

















a. Tire sizes allowed will be no smaller than 60 series; EX. 235/60/R15.

b. DOT passenger car radial street tires only. No recaps or DOT racing tires.

c. 15” or 16” diameter steel wheels only. All 4 wheels must be the same diameter width and offset.

d. 8” wide wheels maximum.

e. Tires must remain completely inside of bodylines.

f. No bleeder valves permitted. g. ½” minimum wheel studs. Minimum 1” lug nuts mandatory.




a. Battery located in driver’s compartment must be securely fastened and sealed in a steel box. Plastic boxes not permitted. May also be securely mounted in engine compartment or trunk.

b. Mandatory master switch to be located within driver’s reach. Car must not run with switch in OFF position.

c. All cars will have starters in good working order with switches clearly marked, and accessible to the driver while strapped in, as well as from outside the car. All cars must be able to start on their own power.

d. Stock ignition only. No MSD type aftermarket or performance parts of any kind allowed, including but not limited to, coil, module, cap, rotor, etc. All electronics associated with fuel injection MUST remain completely stock. Any alterations found will result in immediate disqualification and possible loss of season points, fines and/or suspension. 13.




a. Fuel cell required. Must be securely mounted in trunk area. Fuel cell may not be mounted lower than the bottom of the rear frame rails or trunk floor.

b. Maximum 22 gallon cell. Pump gas only. No race fuel.




a. OEM 2 or 4 barrel carburetor allowed for make and year. Must bolt directly to manifold.

b. No mechanical secondary 4 barrels allowed. Page 4 of 5 07.10.22

c. One box stock 4412 Holley 2-barrel carburetor may be used. Must remove choke plate but must maintain choke horn. An aluminum, non-adjustable 1” max adapter allowed on 4412 option only.

d. Stock electric fuel pump and stock fuel injection permitted, for make and year.

e. Safety fuel pump cutoff switch must be working on fuel injected cars.

f. Two throttle return springs mandatory on all carburetors.

g. Top and bottom of air filter to be same diameter, no flow diverters of any type.

h. Fuel injection intake must remain stock from mass airflow sensor to engine.

i. No other modifications allowed to any carburetor of fuel injection system.

j. No controlled vacuum leaks allowed.




a. A NASCAR style, 6-point roll cage is required. 1¾” .090 wall gusset as necessary for strength.

b. A minimum of 4 drivers door bars and 3-passenger door bars. May X passenger door bars.

c. Roll bars must be padded at any point a driver may come in contact. Driver door must be padded.

d. Front and rear hoop bars NOT allowed.




a. Aluminum professionally built high back racing seat is required.

b. Seat must be securely mounted to roll cage.

c. 3” wide, 5-point safety harness, with quick release is mandatory. All belts must be attached to roll cage using minimum 3/8”, grade 8 bolts.

d. Approved safety harnesses/seat belts may be no more that (3) years old.

e. Window net mandatory. Must have quick release at top of net.

f. Approved racing helmet, shoes, gloves and uniform are mandatory.

g. Current test date (2-pound minimum) fire extinguisher to be installed in the car within the drivers reach while strapped in. Steel mounts only, no plastic.

h. Car and driver will be required to make safety rule violations comply prior to racing any event. 17.




a. All cars must have a stock production bumper.

b. Any passenger car bumper may be mounted on any car. Must be mounted in stock location.

c. No hidden reinforcement or nerf bars allowed.

d. Must be safety chained to prevent falling onto racing surface.




a. All ballast weight must be securely mounted with minimum ½” bolts and have car number painted on them. Any loss of ballast weight onto the track will result in a fine of $10.00 per pound. Page 5 of 5 07.10.22




a. Windshields must be replaced with a minimum of 1/8” thick Lexan or screen steel mesh.

b. Back window and all other glass must be removed.

c. All mirrors must be within body line and subject to tech approval.




a. The use of a two-way radio for communication with spotter and driver mandatory. Spotter must be on spotter stand with proper identification.




a. No electronics monitoring computer devices capable of storing or transmitting information except tachometers.

b. No electronic traction control devices allowed.

c. Transponders are required. Must be mounted on the right rear frame rail 12” behind the rear axle.

All rules are subject to change at anytime if deemed necessary to ensure even competition within the division.


Saturday, March 8, 2025

11:00 AM ….. Credentials Open

12:00 PM – 5:00 PM ….. Open Practice by Division

– First come, first serve
– 5-minute sessions

*Westhold Transponders used at Blythespeedway

*No overnight camping in the Pits

****Schedule Subject to Change****


Saturday, March 15, 2025

2:00 PM Pit Gates Open

2:00 PM – 9:00 PM Credentials Open

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Practice after Tech Inspections

4:45 PM Driver’s/Spotter’s Meeting (ALL DRIVERS MUST ATTEND)

5:30 PM – 5:50 PM Practice

6:15 PM – 7:00 PM On Track Autograph Session

7:00 PM Opening Ceremony

7:15 PM Heat Race – 6 Laps

8:00 PM Racing Starts
Mini Stocks – 25 Laps
Factory Stocks – 25 Laps
Pony Stock – 25 Laps
Street Stocks – 25 Laps
Modifieds – 30 Laps
Sportsmans – 30 Laps

10:00 PM Racing Concludes

**Westhold Transponders Used at Blythe Speedway (Rentals Are Available)**

**No Overnight Camping**

****Schedule Subject to Change****